TITLE: BCR Chapter16
GRADE AND CONTENT AREA: Grades 11 - Cabinetmaking
SCHOOL: Mergenthaler Vocational Technical Senior High School

Maryland Core Learning Goals, Expectations, and Indicators
English: Grades 9-12

Goal 2: The student will demonstrate the ability to compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose.

Expectation 2.2: The student will compose texts using the prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing strategies of effective writers and speakers.

Indicator 2.2.2: The student will select and organize ideas for specific audiences and purposes.

Assessment Limits:

1. Selecting a logical sequence of ideas or sentences.
4. Identifying the logical placement of a sentence or paragraph within a text.

This standard integrates shop lessons with academic and technical education.

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The students will write a users' guide for the use of a barclamp.

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Real World Setting: Home Improvement

You are a salesmen at Home Depot describing a bar clamp to a customer. You are faced with a customer lacking skills for using the bar clamp. You decide to demonstrate how to use the bar clamp and to write a one paragraph user manual for the customer to take and apply at home. You will include professional terminology and the correct procedures for use. In the future, you will offer this service to other customers.

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20-60-20 Teaching Model

Activity One: Mini-Lesson -
Estimated Time ( 20 min.)

During this segment of the lesson:

  1. Teacher will review past lesson plan
  2. Teacher will review expectation for the BCR (show on overheads)
    Accountable talk: Brainstorming: The knowledge of bar clamps and where and how to use them.
  3. Teacher will review safety rules.

Technology for this segment: Using overheads
Materials for this segment: worksheets and text books
Student product or performance for this segment: Write a BCR
Scoring tool for this segment: English Rubrics

Activity Two: Practice - Estimated Time: 60 minutes

  1. Engage in one on one accountable talk
  2. Ask if students can identify different size clamps
  3. Ask if students know how the clamp is used
  4. Students will know how to spread glue before clamping

Technology for this segment: Shop material
Materials for this segment: Shop materials
Student product or performance of this segment: Identify /utilizing clamps
Scoring tool for this segment: Informal accountable talk

Activity Three: Feedback Estimated time (10min)

During this segment of the lesson : Teacher will wrap-up the shop work experience

  1. Review progress
  2. Distribute BCR handout or have student copy BCR off overhead
  3. Class brainstorming possible content for the BCR

Technology for this segment: Overhead ( if needed)
Materials for this segment: BCR handout ( if needed )
Student product or performance of this segment: Identify /utilizing clamps
Scoring tool for this segment: Construction Dept. Rubric (BCR)

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Maryland High School English Rubric: Brief Constructed Response


This response demonstrates an understanding of the complexities of the text.

  • Addresses the demands of the question
  • Uses expressed and implied information from the text
  • Clarifies and extends understanding beyond the literal


This response demonstrates a partial or literal understanding of the text.

  • Addresses the demands of the question, although may not develop all parts equally
  • Uses some expressed or implied information from the text to demonstrate understanding
  • May not fully connect the support to a conclusion or assertion made about the text(s)


This response shows evidence of a minimal understanding of the text.

  • May show evidence that some meaning has been derived from the text
  • May indicate a misreading of the text or the question
  • May lack information or explanation to support an understanding of the text in relation to the


  • The response is completely irrelevant or incorrect.

NOTE: The rubric for BCRs was last edited and approved July, 2004.

Source: http://mdk12.org/instruction/curriculum/hsa/language_arts/instructional.html

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Organize: I collected data from all of the students and I identified the number of students who performed at or above proficient level on my scoring tool.

  • 10 students out of 14 students were proficient on my scoring tool. Four students did not hand in homework. Therefore 70 %of my students were proficient.


After teaching this lesson and evaluating students achievement, I realized I need to review more for the students that did not hand in the assignment. I will put more grade value on the BCR so it will be more important to the students.